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Rex health tonic 200 ml

Rex Health Tonic


Qurs Jiryan (50tab)

Qurs Jiryan



Rexotone  is a Unani herbal drug formulation and complete health tonic. It is used for general debility and also improve defense system to fight against diseases.

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Rexotone  is a Unani herbal drug formulation and complete health tonic. It is used for general debility and also improve defense system to fight against diseases.

Adults – 20 ml (2 tablespoonfuls) and Children – 10 ml before breakfast and evening meal.

  • Rundown condition and general debility
  • Weakness after strenuous exercises
  • Convalescing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Growing children’s problems
  • Loss of weight
  • Excessive metabolism due to unknown causes
  • Gastro-intestinal disorders
  • Mild Malnutrition
  • Loss of body resistance to infections
  • Post-partum weakness
  • Stress and strain
  • Pre-and-post operative conditions

Additional information

Weight 217 g
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 13 cm



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Adults 20 ml (2 teaspoonful) and Children 10 ml (1 teaspoonful) before breakfast and evening meal. Its recommended to consult Doctor.

रेक्सोटोन आवश्यक पोषक तत्व प्रदान करने, भूख बढ़ाने, पाचन और विषहरण की सुविधा, शारीरिक कल्याण और शक्ति को बढ़ावा देने और संज्ञानात्मक क्षमताओं को बढ़ाने सहित कई लाभ प्रदान करता है। इसके अलावा, यह प्रोटीन युक्त आहार पूरक के रूप में कार्य करता है और यकृत और आंतों के समुचित कार्य को बढ़ाता है।

It product offers a multitude of benefits, including providing essential nutrients, enhancing appetite, facilitating digestion and detoxification, promoting physical well-being and strength, and boosting cognitive abilities. Moreover, it serves as a protein-rich dietary supplement and enhances the proper functioning of the liver and intestines.

Rexotone is a natural blend of herbs that serves as a comprehensive health tonic. It is utilized to combat general weakness and enhance the body’s immunity to resist illnesses. Rexotone works by eradicating physical weakness and fostering a sense of vitality and good health.


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